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The power of understanding your target audience.

By John Lord | 22nd June 2023

Do you take the time to talk to your target audience before designing training?

Even though I’ve worked on many automotive projects over the years, recent visits to a few retailers highlighted that even though I have a solid understanding of what car retailers do, nothing beats getting in there and talking to the people who spend their days actually doing the job. 

The passion, the drive, the energy, the challenges, the experience, the knowledge, the skills, the environment – they are so important to understand and absorb before creating any training and performance support tools. 

They are also often things that we (and subject matter experts) don’t know about when we’re stuck behind our laptops. 

No matter what industry or sector you’re working in, you can gain valuable insights and establish common challenges just by popping into a retail outlet, sitting in a call centre for a couple of hours or chatting with people online.